Alone in the Woods
Performers Kees Wagemans en Laila Claessen
Staging Gable Roelofsen en Romy Roelofsen
Music  Conlon Nancarrow Studies for player piano

Premiere: February 2010

Alone in the Woods is a wink in the direction of Hansel and Gretel: a contemporary fairytale about losing innocense. Todays children don't really need the woods. They have everything. They can get lost while being in the same room as their parents, without ever leaving home. 

This performance is a trip by the trail that technology left for us. We show how technique influences our lives by using the music that American composer Conlon Nancarrow made for the pianola. Two children take you into a wonderful journey, guided by a music box gone mad. 

Alone in the woods is part of the 'Kakafonie' series. In this series, we investigate how different generations nowadays deal with technique.